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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ১০ নভেম্বর ২০১৬

সিরডাপ প্রতিনিধিদলের আরডিএ পরিদর্শন

প্রকাশন তারিখ : 2016-11-09

RDA Visit of CIRDAP Delegates

Mr. Tevita G. Boseiwaqa Taginavulau, Director General, Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP), Mr. Meleti Bainimarma, Chairperson of CIRDAP, Executive Committee and Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Provincial Development and National Disaster Management, Government of Republic of Fiji and Mr. Jone Bacau, Director, Rural Development Division, Ministry of Provincial Development and National Disaster Management, Government of Republic of Fiji visited Rural Development Academy, Bogra on 09 November 2016. A Special Faculty meeting was arranged in honour of the delegates. In the meeting, a presentation on RDA activities was presented by Dr. AKM Zakaria, Director, Training, RDA, Bogra. During the meeting the delegates exchanged ideas regarding various issues on rural development and prospect of working together in future.