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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ৬ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৬

Workshop on “Importance of Gender Mainstreaming in Agricultural Organizations”

প্রকাশন তারিখ : 2016-12-06

A daylong workshop on “Importance of Gender Mainstreaming in Agricultural Organizations” held on 05 December, 2016 at Rural Development Academy, Bogra. Dr. Abdul Momen Mia, Professor, Department of Agriculture Extension Education, Bangladesh Agriculture University, graced the workshop as Chief Guest. Director Genaral (In Charge) of RDA, Bogra Eng. Mr. MA Matin was the Chairperson in the program. Different BMDA and DAE officials, researchers, professors along with RDA’s Director,Training Dr. AKM Zakaria, Director, Research and Evaluation Mr. Mahmud Hossain Khan, Director, Farm Technology and Irrigation Management Dr. Abdur Rashid and other faculties attained the workshop. Various issues like how gender issue is addressed and Implemented in works, why the issue is important and getting in indication, how RDA, BMDA, DAE and BAU can work together to address gender inequality have been discussed in the workshop. Later on, presentation on ‘PSGC project findings of researcher and institutional analysis’ and ‘Gender in relation to agriculture / water supply- in the field’ was presented by Dr. Sadika Haque, Professor, Bangladesh Agriculture University and Dr. Deepa Jose from International water Institute respectively.