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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ১২ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২০

খামার প্রযুক্তি, সেচ ও পানি ব্যবস্থাপনা


খামার প্রযুক্তি, সেচ ও পানি ব্যবস্থাপনা বিভাগের কর্মকর্তাবৃন্দ


Irrigation and Farm Machinery Unit

Irrigation and Farm Power Machinery is a demonstration unit of RDA under the Division of Farm Technology, Irrigation and Water Management including activities of agricultural machinery technology dissemination and development in RDA farm. This unit operates its activities under the supervision of a respective unit in charge in 80 acres of farm at RDA. There is two supporting staff in this unit. One is tractor driver and another is pump operator. This unit also operates its activities outside RDA campus in farmer’s agricultural field through supplying of agricultural machineries on rent basis.


Aims and Objectives

The main role of the unit is helps to others units for land preparation through tillage operation and also help in irrigating agricultural filed by operating two dupe tube well pump .


 This units  mainly operates its tillage function by tractor and power tiller, rice planting by rice transplanter, intercultural operations by modern equipment’s, pre & post-harvest processing by reaper and thresher in various units of RDA demonstration farm after getting demand form from the respective unit in charge or farm manager . Farm manager co-ordinates this activities through guidance from unit in charge. Recently, two mini combine harvesters are also added to the units. These machineries’ helps to process agricultural crops as contact basis in RDA demonstration farm. Modern agricultural machinery & equipment like combine harvester, Rice transplanter, sprinkler and drip Irrigation, power tiller, tractor, Reaper, Thresher, Disk harrow, Weedier , Winnower, Seed  Spreading, Seed separator machine and grass chopper, Rotavator machine are also introduced in this unit which has crate  greater impact on farm development.

This unit also supply water in agricultural filed of various unit through deep tube well operation on demand basis. This unit has also an agri-machiney workshop which is now operating  under PPP model with Kamal Machine tools are also  producing  many equipment’s like close drum thresher, bed planter, potato harvester, AWD magic pipe and local agricultural machineries. Irrigation and Farm Power Machinery unit of RDA is not only operates of    land preparation works  in RDA demonstration  farm but also  work on contract basis rent works outside RDA campus across the country in  Bangladesh.   This unit is also act as a training ground for skill development of  trainee.This unit is committed to provide better service of agricultural technology works with a good management team.
