ক্রঃ নং |
গবেষণা প্রতিবেদনের শিরোনাম (Title of the Research Report) |
(Executive Summary) |
33. |
Impact of Amar Bari Amar Khamar Self-Help Group (SHG) Training Program for Human Resource Development
32. |
Effect of Stocking Densities on Growth Performance of the Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergil) in Biofloc System
31. |
Increasing Crop Productivity through Cooperative Mechanized Farming by Removing Aisles of Agricultural Land
30. |
Reduction Mechanism of Post-Harvest Losses of Horticultural Crops |
29. |
Communication in Creating Health Awareness of Rural People: Insight of Northern Bangladesh |
28. |
পশুপাখি পালনের সহজপাঠ |
27. |
ছাদকৃষির সহজপাঠ |
26. |
ফসলের প্রেসক্রিপশন |
25. |
মাছ চাষের সহজপাঠ |
24. |
Economic Empowerment of Rural Women through Community Based Indigenous Poultry Farming: Piloting results based rural deshi chicken model in two village of Bogura District |
23. |
Indigenous Traditional Knowledge on Mud Eel Reproduction in Bangladesh |
22. |
Public-Private Partnership: a New Avenue for Rural Development in Bangladesh
২১. |
Study on Tubificid Work (Tubifex tubifex) Production and its Effect on Growth of Three Selected Ornamental Fishes at RDA, Bogura |
২০. |
Role of Community Based Organization for the Management of Fish Sancturaries in Chalan Beel Areas of Bangladesh |
১৯. |
Fish and Vegetable Production through Aquaponics System |
১৮. |
Food Security and Livelihood Improvement throuth e-Learning of Women Friendly Seed Technology in Northern Region of Bangladesh |
১৭. |
Impact of M4C Interventions on the Livilihoods of Char Dwellers |
১৬. |
Effect of Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) on Production and Post-Harvest Management of Banana
১৫. |
Farmers Perception Towards Using ICT Tools in Plant Disease Management
১৪. |
Feasibility and Profitability of Garlic Production in Char Land Areas of Jamuna River Basin |
১৩. |
Satisfaction of Union Digital Center Clients of Bogura District Towards Public Service Delivery |
১২. |
করতোয়া নদীর তীরবর্তী জনজীবন: অতীত ও বর্তমান
১১. |
আলু দিয়ে অভিনব রান্না |
১০. |
Collaborative Leadership and Understanding of Quality Education at Secondary Schools in Bangladesh
৯. |
Effectiveness of Village Development Organizations (VDOs) of Amar Bari Amar Khamar (ABAK) Project |
৮. |
Role of Mobile Phone Uses in Strengthening Rural Livelihoods in Bogura District |
৭. |
আরডিএ শিশুবিকাশ কেন্দ্রের শিশুদের মননশীল বিকাশ ও সার্বিক উন্নয়ন শীর্ষক সমীক্ষা |
৬. |
Impact of Social Media on Rural Youth of Northern Bangladesh: A Study on Bogura and Rangpur District |
৫. |
Impact of Char Livelihood Programme (CLP) in Household Food and Nutrition Security of Char Dwellers |
৪. |
Existing Status of Dairy Milk Production, Processing and Marketing of Small Milk Producers at Sherpur Upazila of Bogura District |
৩. |
Effectiveness of Pre-harvest Fruit bagging in Guava Ensuring Economic Viability and Food Safety |
২. |
Effect of Dietary Exogenous Phytase on Laying Performance of Older Hen |
১. |
Development of Safe Ripening Techniques of Banana for Ensuring Food Safety |